True Money’s Advice for Developing an Effective New Year’s Resolution

16 January, 2021

Many desire to pilot more success and growth to New Year than last year . The fact is that setting realistic goals and prioritizing on achieving them is the key to a better year. Ironically, only a few are able to check the boxes of their New Year’s Resolution. A realistic goal such as getting rid of bad habits and improving good habits of self is highly recommended. These include quitting smoking, eating healthier, aiming for promotion, saving more money, and making more investments.


When developing New Year’s Resolution, be advised to only aim for three goals max. If there are too many objectives to pursue in a year, no objectives might be achieved in the end. Be mindful of habits that linger in your personal growth and success because they are going to be on your New Year’s Resolution. Don’t worry that  it may seem challenging only because it requires an unorthodox approach. Slowly quitting a habit over the course of months is more doable and effective  rather than trying to quit in  a day. The gist is to do it slow and steady. Furthermore, do keep yourself reminded by posting your New Year’s Resolution on things you see every day such as the fridge door, bathroom mirror, or your mobile’s reminder app. Lastly, be advised to talk to your friends and families about your new year goals so that they can keep you going as well.


Another objective on your New Year’s Resolution that will be beneficial for you is aiming to save more from your monthly income. If it’s already on your list, then save first and spend later should be your motto for the whole year. Prioritize saving at least 10% of your monthly income in a safe and secure asset like TrueMoney Myanmar. Moreover, side jobs such as online food and clothes businesses stack the cash up. Do you also know being a TrueMoney Agent also increases your monthly income?


Unlike 2020, we encourage you  to begin and end 2021 on a high note. It feels important for us to suggest an effective plan on personal growth and success so that you get more value out of your New Year’s Resolution. 


Finally, we wish you a more successful year!

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